Registration as specialist (for Overseas Graduates)

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Practicing Otorhinolaryngology as Specialist in Hong Kong
There are two paths leading to registration as specialist in Otorhinolaryngology in Hong Kong as follows:

1) By applying for specialist registration (Otorhinolaryngology) with the Hong Kong Medical Council. This route could only be taken by specialists who have already completed specialist training and are registered as otorhinolaryngologists in their own country. (All enquiries should be done through the Hong Kong Medical Council.)

2) By examination. Alternatively, you may look for a training post in Otorhinolaryngology in Hong Kong. As some of your previous training in Otorhinolaryngology may be recognized, you may then write to our College for exemption of part(s) of the training requirement before you take the exit examination. Application for vetting your previous training may be directed to the secretary of the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists. A non-refundable assessment fee of HK$ 5,000 will be charged.
2025 January
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