Guidelines (2023-2025)

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Principles and Guidelines on Continuing Medical Education (CME)

and Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

For the Cycle 2023-2025 (July 2024 version)


Objectives of CME/CPD



The purposes of CME and CPD are to keep Fellows informed and up-to-date, and to maintain a high standard of professional practice.



The CME/CPD programme of the HKCORL will comply with the “Principles and Guidelines on CME and CPD of The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine”.


Supervision of CME/CPD



A CME/CPD Subcommittee shall function within the Education Committee,



There shall be not less than four and not more than seven members in the Subcommittee, at least two of which shall be members of the Education Committee. Members of the subcommittee should include one representative of the Hong Kong Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, one Fellow from Hospital Authority Hospitals, one Fellow from the Private sector and one Fellow from each University Medical Faculty. The Chairman of the Education Committee shall be an ex-officio member of the Subcommittee.



The Subcommittee shall:



Draw up and monitor the CME/CPD programme,



Pre-approve activities to be recognized for CME/CPD points,



Record all CME/CPD activities and their approved points,



Provide for a “CME/CPD Register” at all local approved activities,



Circulate a currently approved list of CME/CPD activities to all HKCORL Fellows and registered trainees.



Fellows, residing in Hong Kong or overseas, must fulfill the full requirements of the CME/CPD programme by the end of each cycle.



Fellows must respond to call for CME/CPD returns from College, and submit all returns with required proof within the defined period of time.



Fellows failing to submit return on time will be regarded as CME/CPD non-compliant. Subsequent request to review late submissions may be subject to an administrative fee to be determined by the College.



All notices sent to the address last provided by a Fellow to the College will be deemed to have been received by that Fellow, and it is the responsibility of a Fellow to update the College of his contact address whenever it is changed.


The Cycle



A cycle of CME/CPD assessment shall consist of 3 years.



Fellows will commence their first cycle on the first day of the month immediately after their admission to Academy Fellowship; and the required CME/CPD points for the first cycle will be counted on pro-rata basis.



If the first cycle is shorter than 3 years:

i) normal capping on individual CME/CPD categories will still apply; but
ii) the minimum requirement of individual CME/CPD categories, if any, will be waived.




Notwithstanding 3.2 above, if a doctor has been certified for Specialist Registration and already started a CME/CPD cycle prior to his admission as an Academy Fellow, there will be no change in his CME/CPD requirements of existing cycle.



College should report to the Education Committee of the Academy any Fellow of the Academy who fails to comply with CPD requirements at the end of the cycle.


Measurement of Activities



A Point of CME/CPD activity is equivalent to one hour of participation in a Formal College Approved Activity (FCAA).



The CME/CPD subcommittee of the College will decide number of points to be awarded to activities that normally cannot be accredited on a time basis; and to individual CME/CPD categories taking into consideration the nature of their specialties.


Accredited CME/CPD Activities






Self-study of medical educational material can be accepted as a form of CPD.



The self-study materials include journal paper, book chapter, audiovisual material, and internet publication.



Self-study is only accredited with the necessary evidence that it has been carried out diligently. Self-study would require documentation of completion of the relevant activity. This will take the form of written summary of not less than 100 words for each hour of study or correctly answer the required test questions approved by the College.



One CPD point per self-study item.



A maximum of 45 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle of ENT related self-study activities.



A maximum of 10 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle of non-ENT related self-study activity.



Passive Participation in meeting.



A maximum of 75 CME points is allowed in a 3-year cycle and this includes both ENT-related and non-ENT related FCAA.



One CME point per hour of passive participation.



A maximum of 20 CME points is allowed per meeting.



Half point per hour for non-ENT related activities.



A maximum of 10 CME points is allowed in a 3-year cycle for non-ENT related FCAA.



Active Participation in meeting



Invited speaker

5 CPD points



Oral presentation of

5 CPD points



Poster presentation (first author)

3 CPD points



Abstracts (no presentation)

2 CPD points



Chair or moderate a meeting

5 CPD points



A maximum of 20 CPD points is allowed per meeting.



There is no upper limit of CPD points in a 3-year cycle for ENT related FCAA







10 CPD points



Book chapter, first author or corresponding author

10 CPD points



Book chapter, co-author

5 CPD points



Paper (Index Medicus), first or corresponding author

10 CPD points



Paper (Index Medicus), co-author

5 CPD points



Paper (non Index Medicus), first author or corresponding author

5 CPD points



Paper (non Index Medicus), co-author

2 CPD points



A maximum of 30 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle






Peer review manuscript for journal can be accepted as a form of CPD.



Participation in reviewing articles submitted to Hong Kong Medical Journal, Journals of Academy Colleges and other indexed Journals is accepted as a form of CPD.



One CPD point per manuscript.



A maximum of 15CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Development of New Technologies or Services.



The development of new technologies and services can be accepted as a form of CPD.



A written report is required for assessment of CPD points.



Five CPD points for principal developer and two CPD points for co-developer for each new technology or service.



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Undergraduate Teaching



Undergraduate teaching activities can be accepted as a form of CPD, subject to a quality assurance process



Development of audiovisual teaching materials or problem based learning case can also be considered as CPD activity.
A written report is required for assessment of CPD points



One CPD point per activity



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Postgraduate Teaching



Postgraduate teaching activities can be accepted as a form of CPD, subject to a quality assurance process



Development of audiovisual teaching materials or problem based learning case can be considered as CPD activity. A written report is required for assessment of CPD points



One CPD point per lecture



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Conducting Examinations



Participation as an examiner in MHKICBSC or ENT specialist examinations can be accepted as a form of CPD. Five CPD points per session. A maximum of 10 points for any single examination.



Participation as an examiner in other examinations not organized by the College but related to Otorhinolaryngology, can also be accepted as a form of CPD, with one CPD point being awarded per hour and up to 10 points for any single examination.



Participation in setting examination questions for MHKICBSC or ENT specialist examinations are accepted as a form of CPD in order to encourage Fellows in contributing examination questions.



One CPD point for every two submitted one single best answer questions at a reasonable standard and quality, as determined by the Examination Committee.



Two CPD points for one submitted 5-minute viva question of acceptable standard and quality, as determined by the Examination Committee.



Participation in Question Writing Workshop can be accepted as a form of CPD, with one CPD point per hour.



A maximum of 45 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Quality Assurance and Audits



It is strongly recommended that Fellows should maintain a balanced CME/CPD profile with a mix of different activities, including five points in a cycle from activities in quality assurance and medial audits in order to capture the full benefit of different types of CME/CPD activities.



Quality assurance and improvement activities, such as clinical / surgical / service / practice review and audit, clinical governance, peer review of operative practice including interpractice visits, activities that examine and evaluate the clinical care of patients or individual / group / medical practice are accepted as a form of CPD.



A written report is required for assessment of the CPD points.



Five CPD points per activity.



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Mortality & Morbidity Meetings



Participation in mortality & morbidity meetings can be accepted as a form of CPD.



One CPD point per hour.



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Postgraduate Courses



Attending a course leading to post-graduate qualification can be accepted as a form of CPD.



One CPD point per hour of participation.



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Development of CME/CPD Materials or Knowledge-Translation Materials



Participation in development of CME/CPD materials or knowledge-translation materials for self-study, e-learning and other purposes can be accepted as a form of CPD.



The CME/CPD material or a written report is required for assessment of the CPD point.



Three points for first author and one point for co-author for each CME/CPD material.



A maximum of 15 CME/CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Activities for Improvement of Patient / Medical Care



Participation in learning / activities that enhances the ability to practice medical both as an individual doctor and as a part of the health care team eventually leading to improvement of patient management and medical care, e.g. relevant laws, information technological, interpersonal and communication skill training, clinical and other skills laboratory learning, simulator and virtual reality learning, patient safety enhancement programme can be accepted as a form of CPD.



A written report is required for the assessment of CPD points.



One CPD point per hour of passive participation.



Five CPD points per hour of active participation.



A maximum of 45 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Grand Rounds in Training Units



Participation in accredited grand rounds in training units is accepted as a form of CPD.



One CPD point per hour.



A maximum of 15 CPD points is allowed in a 3-year cycle.



Hands-on Clinical Attachment Programme



Hands-on clinical attachment programme to accredited training units of the appropriate specialty is accepted as a form of CME/CPD to enhance / refresh the knowledge and skills of a Fellow in specified areas, or to enable the Fellows to learn new knowledge and skills. Clear learning objectives have to be defined in such attachment programme, and the programme usually should be over a continuous period lasting one week or longer. Regular weekly attachment over a longer period can also be considered. The normal rotation of duties, or posting changes are not regarded as attachment.


Maximum Number of Accreditable Hours


There is a maximum CME/CPD points to be accredited for each category of CME/CPD activities as listed in 5.1 to 5.16.


Minimum CME/CPD Requirements for A Cycle



The minimum CME/CPD requirement is 90 Points in a 3-year cycle.
A maximum of 75 CME points in category 5.2 is allowed in a 3-year cycle and this includes both ENT-related and non-ENT related FCAA (passive participation). Fellows should acquire a minimum of 15 CPD points per cycle from activities in categories 5.1/5.3/5.4 to 5.16.



CME/CPD points accumulated in excess of the requirement for one cycle cannot be carried forward to the next cycle.



There is no requirement on minimum number of CME/CPD Points to be achieved each year.


Certification of CME/CPD



Fellows who have fulfilled the CME/CPD requirement will be issued a certificate to certify that they have achieved a satisfactory level of CME/CPD over the period under review. A fee may be levied for issuing the certificate to cover administrative costs and the fee is to be determined by the College from time to time.



For non-compliant Fellows who have achieved not less than two-thirds of the required number of points for a cycle, they have to submit an explanation and a proposal for remedial action within two weeks to Education Committee of the HKCORL for endorsement.



The CME/CPD status of Academy fellows will be reported as required by the HKAM. For Fellows who have obtained less than two-thirds of the required number of points for a cycle without acceptable reasons, a recommendation for Fellowship suspension will be made.





Retired from Active Practice



The Academy will consider application for CME/CPD exemption from a Fellow only if he has formally submitted a written declaration to the Academy / College that he has retired from active practice in and outside Hong Kong.



A Fellow holding multiple Fellowships cannot claim retirement from active practice for one specialty while still practising the other specialty / specialties. A Fellow can apply for suspension of a Fellowship for which he chooses not to continue with CME/CPD.



A retired Fellow who subsequently wishes to resume active practice will be required to have obtained at least 90 CME/CPD points within 36 months counting back from the date of application in order to resume medical practice. A pro-rata number of the 90 points required must be obtained within the period between the date of retirement and the date of application for resuming practice. Should a retired Fellow resume medical practice before he can fulfil the CME/CPD requirements as aforementioned, he will lose his status as a retired Fellow and his Fellowship will be suspended accordingly.



Acute / Prolonged Illness and Permanent Disability



A Fellow who falls behind CME/CPD because of acute / prolonged illness or permanent disability can be exempted from the CME/CPD requirements, on condition that he is not in active practice.



An illness can be accepted as “prolonged illness” provided a sick leave of at least 6 months has been formally granted within a 3-year cycle (pro-rata count may apply in case the cycle is less than 3 years);



Partial exemption will be considered on a case by case pro-rata basis depending on the extent of the illness and its impact on practice. The guiding principle of exemption is that when a Fellow is not in active practice because of the illness, CME/CPD requirement of that total period of “not in active practice” will be exempted for CME/CPD in that cycle, while pro-rata count of CME/CPD requirement will be applied to the period(s) during which the Fellows are in active practice.





Non-compliance That Is Remediable



A Fellow must:



have achieved not less than two-thirds of the required number of points for a cycle; or



be certified to have suffered from a medical condition which the Council of the Academy considers as a reasonable cause for the CME/CPD non-compliance.
The Academy may, at its discretion, accept other conditions if supported by the College of the Fellow on reasonable grounds.



The Fellow must engage in a remedial programme to make up for the deficiency.



The reason for non-compliance and the remedial programme must be endorsed by the Education Committee and Council of the Academy.



The remedial programme must be finished within the time specified by the appropriate College. In any case, the remedial programme must be finished within 12 months from the end of the cycle concerned.



The next cycle shall follow immediately after the previous cycle without any break, i.e. the Fellow will have to undergo normal and remedial CME/CPD at the same time.



Non-compliance That Is Not Remediable

For Fellows who have obtained less than two-thirds of the required number of points for a cycle without acceptable reasons, a recommendation for Fellowship suspension will be made. Reinstatement of Academy Fellowship shall be subject to the conditions stipulated in the Academy policy paper entitled “Reinstatement of Fellowship”.


Certification for Specialist Registration



The Academy will inform the Medical Council of Hong Kong / Dental Council of Hong Kong, for the purpose of Specialist Registration, if a Fellow has failed to comply with, or been exempted from, the CME/CPD requirements. The Academy will also provide the Medical Council of Hong Kong with information of Fellows who have fulfilled the CME/CPD requirements at the end of the cycle.



For remediable non-compliance, the Academy will inform the Medical Council of Hong Kong as soon as possible after the end of cycle.



For remediable non-compliance, the Academy will inform the Medical Council of Hong Kong / Dental Council of Hong Kong if the Fellow cannot complete his remedial programme by the deadline set by the Academy.



If a Fellow who has been exempted from CME/CPD for reasons other than prolonged illness, or whose Fellowship has been suspended due to CME/CPD non-compliance, subsequently wants the Academy to certify him for Specialist Registration, he will be required to have obtained at least 90 CME/CPD points within 36 months counting back from the date of application for certification. A pro-rata number of the 90 points required must be obtained within the period between the date of Fellowship removal (or CME/CPD exemption) and the date of application for certification.



A Fellow shall be certified to have fulfilled the CME/CPD requirements for the purpose of Specialist Registration, as long as he has obtained the required number of points for a cycle.



Category 1 Self-study (ENT related)
(A maximum of 45 CPD points per cycle)
Category 1.2 Self-study (Non-ENT related)
(Self-study activity in other medical specialties is allowed but can only accumulate a maximum of 10 CPD points per cycle)
Category 2 Formal College Approved Post-graduate Meetings
(Including Overseas ORL/H&N Meetings, a maximum of 75 CME points is allowed in a 3-year cycle)
Category 2.2 Meetings organized by other Colleges or organizations (Non-ENT related)
(A maximum of 10 CME points per cycle)
Category 3 Speakers/Lectures, Chairpersons or Facilitators/Moderators
(A maximum of 20 CPD points is allowed per meeting)
Category 4 Publications
(A maximum of 30 CPD points per cycle)
Category 5 Research
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 6 Development of New Technologies or Services
(Maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 7 Undergraduate Teaching
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 8 Postgraduate Teaching
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 9 Conducting Examinations (Participated as an examiner)
(A maximum of 45 CPD points per cycle)
Category 10 Quality Assurance & Audits
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 11 Morality & Morbidity Meeting
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 12 Postgraduate Courses (Post-graduate qualification)
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 13 Development of CME/CPD Materials or Knowledge-Translation Materials
(self-study or e-learning – 3 points for 1st author; 1 point for co-author)
(A maximum of 15 CME/CPD points per cycle)
Category 14 Activities for Improvement of Patient Cares / Medical Care
(Including Journal Club Meeting, X-ray Meeting, Clinical Pathology Meeting and attending workshop)
(A maximum of 45 CPD points per cycle)
Category 15 Grand Round in Training Units
(A maximum of 15 CPD points per cycle)
Category 16 Hands-on Clinical Attachment Programme


2025 January
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